Track 2

This track is designed for those applicants whose research is considered to be “basic-to-translational”. Applications appropriate for track 2 are likely to be reviewed by PhD researchers, or by clinicians doing more basic/translational research.

Those applicants who would like to utilize this system can choose whether they would like to get feedback only on their specific aims page or on both the aims page and the research plan. Those writing training grants also could get feedback on the training plan.

Track two is an ad hoc process where applicants will work with core members of NIBSS to identify 3 internal “reviewers” – a primary, secondary and tertiary reviewer who are most likely in the Department of Neurology. The applicant will then invite those reviewers to participate and establish a date for review (one hour scheduled). At least seven days prior to review, the applicant will send the research plan to the three reviewers. Alternatively, the applicant can choose to just send the specific aims page only, if looking for feedback solely on the central ideas of the scientific proposal.

On the date of the review, the three reviewers and the applicant will meet (for now over Zoom) with one hour scheduled. The process will be very similar to an NIH study section, with the applicant just listening for the first 15-20 minutes of discussion. The primary reviewer will briefly summarize the proposal, then state the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the proposal. The secondary will then state their opinion on the strengths and weakness, followed by the tertiary reviewer. The three reviewers will then discuss the most salient points. This should take no more than 20 minutes (again, similar to study section). For the remaining ~40 minutes the committee will discuss with the applicant how to improve research plan/specific aims to increase the likelihood of funding. Additional reviewers or observers can be invited by the applicant (i.e. collaborators or mentors).

If you are interested in utilizing the NIBSS service please email with the following information:

  1. Name and degree
  2. Grant mechanism and organization to which you are applying
  3. Due date
  4. Indicate whether you consider your research to be basic, translational or clinical
  5. 1-3 sentences describing the overall goal of the research

Once this information is received, you will be assigned to one of two tracks for review, and additional details outlining the process will be emailed to you.