Track 1

This track is designed for those applicants whose research is considered “clinical-to-translational”. Applications appropriate for track 1 are likely to be reviewed by clinicians and those doing clinical or translational research.

To simulate a study section, track 1 has a group of reviewers meet monthly with additional meetings ahead of typical NIH, AAN, AHA and AES/EF submission times so that applicants can get timely feedback.

Track 1 prioritizes review of the specific aims page, and we ask that all attending the meeting review this in advance so they can provide valuable feedback. All input is welcome, regardless of research/grant writing expertise, as this process will be more effective the more participants we have. We hope that even those considering submission of a grant in the next few years would attend early to contribute and learn from the group.

If you would like to attend an upcoming meeting, please email us at, and we will send you the appropriate materials. We can also add you to the group list-serve and send calendar invites if you would like to come on a regular basis.

Meetings will usually fall on the 1st Friday of every month.